Sunday, April 03, 2005

Time To Make Some Enemies.....

I was watching ESPN this morning and I saw the story of the 5th and 6th graders who are pushing for the rivalry between the Yankees and the Sux to stop. They want the teams to shake hands after the game and act all buddy-buddy. It was a sweet, sensitive sappy presentation. Oh, I forgot the other 's' word, sickening.

The Commisioner's Office called the idea 'fascinating'. Apparently the Yankee brass think it's a good idea. Again, sickening. Can you imagine the absolute fakeness of seeing the players walking around the field after a tough game, shaking hands and plastering those forced smiles on thieir faces?

Baseball will have to come out and say something positive about this whole idea. The PR machine will insist on it. Mostly because of another 's' word, steriods. They need something to get peoples minds wrapped around other than the steroid scandal. Luckily I don't have to worry about all that. I can freely say that the idea is the biggest load of crap I've heard of in a long, long time.

The rivalry is alive and well. It has been not only a tradition for almost 100 years, it's also not something you eliminate with handshakes. The Yanks and Sux don't like each other because they both want the same thing, The American League East Crown, The American League Championship and ultimately, The World Series Championship. But it all starts with the A.L. East crown.

They are the 2 best teams in the A.L. and that alone lends itself to some anomosity. Add in the feuds over the years and the recent playoff series (plural) they've had and you have not only a geographical rivalry, you have one that borders on bitter enemies duking it out for the 'toughest kid around' title.

As long as there is the possiblilty of both teams going into the post-season and eventually facing each other again (thanks to the Wildcard) there will always be a hightened awareness between the two teams that they need an edge each and every time they face one another. It may be the opening day game or the last possible game in a post-season series. It doesn't matter.

There is also the other angle to consider. The fact that it's a tradition for Yankees to dislike/hate the Sux and vice-verse. Kids who want to screw with the purist elements and traditions of Baseball don't know what they are saying. They haven't realized that things like this rivalry are a part that, first should never be changed and second, never will.

Kids, if you don't like it, switch to something more to your peaceloving, liberal frames of mind, like Figure Skating or maybe Bowling. Those 'sports' should better suit your more sensitive, emotional sides. Leave Baseball's rivalries alone. Come back when you know and understand what you are talking about.

Peace between the Yanks and Sux? Please!!!


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